What does professional product photography mean for your brand and business?

First of all, let’s see certain statistics that will be a good start to explaining the benefits of professional product photography!

The studies have shown that people remember 80% of what they see, and only 20% of what they read. Also, 75% of online buyers considers product images have strong influence on buying decision, while more than 50% thinks images are more valuable than descriptions and reviews.

If we add the claims of scientists that say that 50 milliseconds is needed to create the first impression when watching an image, it is clear what needs to be done!

That includes professional product photography, which is a must in today’s market, and which will improve your promotion and sales.

Perception of products values – what kind of values of your products are you creating?

One can have a high quality product, but without knowing how to present or communicate the value of that product, the business will suffer. Actually, there is no worse business scenario than that – having a quality product with a poor presentation.

The perception of your product depends on its perceived value, ie how potential customers experience it when they see it. Does the customer have the impression that he is buying something of quality when he sees photos of your products? Or because of bad photos you start to doubt the quality of what you offer?

For example, if you have invested a lot in the quality of your products, and you have poor e-commerce with bad product photos, sales will be poor or non-existent. Why? Because you are not communicating the value your products have in the right way. It is photographs that are the most important element of communication here.

Professional product photography – a must in today’s digital world

In today’s world, ruled by the internet, everything depends on visual presentation of products, especially for the e-business owners.

Professional images are extremely important in building a brand and making it strong and recognizable on the market. They will highlight your brand among the competition, help you make a good impression and make clients remember your site.

Professional product photography is often not just documenting the products, but being able, through the sense of sight to wake up other senses.

The more quality images are, perceived values of products and brand will be higher.

The conclusion is to be yourself, keep your quality, keep the quality of product presentation, and the success will not fail.

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Professional product photography services

One can have a high quality product, but without knowing how to present or communicate the value of that product, the business will suffer.



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